Tactical Harness with iFIN™ GPS tracking system
"Innovation distinguishes between leaders and followers."
- Steve Jobs -

And now they will have to follow Shark Fin Gear Company because this is the world's first harness with an integrated GPS tracking system for dogs!
We had four primary goals in mind when setting out to make the iFIN™ Harness with an integrated GPS System.
- It had to be tough enough to hold up on the most active dog in the toughest environments.
- While the electronic system is sophisticated, the package had to be easy to use for the common dog owner.
- It must have common hardware to make it easy to take on and off the iFIN™ Harness.
- The iFIN™ had to fit the Harness and the Shark Fin® Collar so that you could switch between the two.
- The electronics had to be user-friendly, as easy to use as a common cell phone app.
Now you might be thinking why not battery life in the top four goals? Or what about range? Or being waterproof? Or..... Yes, all of these things are important to us, but focusing on these would be fruitless if the system got broken, lost or failed in the first week because of the construction of the unit. That is why there are so many bad reviews on our competitors. They focused on the electronic system, instead of first focusing on the system being durable and easy to use for the average active dog. And unlike every other GPS system on the market that is attached to a collar, we listened to our customers who want a harness integrated with a GPS system. And you can take it off the harness and put it on the Shark Fin® Collar!

It is well known that animals will bite, chew and swallow things they get a hold of. If a dog would bite into one of our competitor's hollow cases, it may get shocked by the battery. Or worse, it breaks open the case and swallows the lithium battery. That could be fatal. What we did was develop a patent-pending method of encapsulation to prevent an incident like this. When our iFIN™ was given to dogs, they didn't seem to want to chew it. Also, this may have to do with the fact that it is solid, their teeth don't sink in. They do like to chew on plastic. Because the iFIN™’s battery is completely encapsulated, if it were punctured, which is nearly impossible, it would not catch fire or shock the animal. If it could be swallowed, it is completely encapsulated by resin, therefore, wouldn't break down in the stomach. The bottom line, besides being virtually indestructible and waterproof, it is the safest way to incorporate electronic systems into the animal world. Not just for dogs, but for all animals!
Now let's take a look at how the iFIN™ Harness and iFIN™ GPS system integrate. It's very simple, the iFIN™ snaps into the chest area of the harness. Snap-in, snap-out. The snaps on the harness are riveted to the straps and surrounded by Velcro. This helps prevent movement and secures the straps into place. Because the iFIN™ is secured by snaps and velcro the iFIN™ GPS is protected from rough play, getting knocked around, or being bitten by another dog. This is a dog's world. it's rough!
Through testing on various dogs, we found that they were completely comfortable with the iFIN™ Harness with the iFIN™ GPS system snapped into place. It is made with the fabric, molle straps, and Cobra Buckles all meeting military specifications.
So now that we have a working prototype, where do we go from here? We will be developing more tactical harnesses and collars. We will also be developing stylish mainstream harnesses for the average dog. Sign-up for email notices and join us on our social media accounts to find out about the launch of more products. These are exciting times at Shark Fin® Gear Company!